Subtitle 2 - Death Benefits
- Section 29-201 - Scope of subtitle.
- Section 29-202 - Death benefit - Generally.
- Section 29-203 - Special death benefit - Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System.
- Section 29-204 - Special death benefit - State Police Retirement System.
- Section 29-204.1 - Special death benefit - Correctional Officers' Retirement System.
- Section 29-204.2 - Special death benefit - Employees' Retirement or Pension System, or Teachers' Retirement or Pension System.
- Section 29-205 - Election of allowance by surviving spouse - Retirement systems and local fire and police transferees.
- Section 29-206 - Election of allowance by surviving spouse - Pension systems.
- Section 29-207 - Death benefit for former members.