- Subtitle 1 - State Lottery Agency
- Subtitle 1A - Video Lottery Terminals
- Subtitle 2 - Commission on Uniform State Laws
- Subtitle 3 - Office of Minority Affairs
- Subtitle 4 - Commission on the Capital City
- Subtitle 5 - State House Trust
- Subtitle 6 - Government House Trust
- Subtitle 7 - Commission to Coordinate the Study, Commemoration, and Impact of Slavery's History and Legacy in Maryland
- Subtitle 8 - Task Force on the Status of Women and Information Technology
- Subtitle 8A - Commission on the Establishment of a Maryland Women in Military Service Monument
- Subtitle 9 - Department of Veterans Affairs
- Subtitle 10 - State Archives and Artistic Property
- Subtitle 11 - Department of Disabilities
- Subtitle 12 - Office of the State Prosecutor
- Subtitle 13 - Governor's Office on Service and Volunteerism
- Subtitle 14 - Office of Smart Growth
- Subtitle 15 - Services to Handicapped Children
- Subtitle 16 - Office of Administrative Hearings
- Subtitle 17 - Maryland State Employees Surety Bond Committee
- Subtitle 18 - Council on Management and Productivity
- Subtitle 19 - Assisted Living Programs Board
- Subtitle 20 - Maryland Energy Administration
- Subtitle 20A - The Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program
- Subtitle 20B - Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Program
- Subtitle 21 - Community Energy Loan Program
- Subtitle 22 - Board of Advisors for Electronic Commerce
- Subtitle 23 - Chesapeake Regional Olympic Games Authority Act
- Subtitle 24 - Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Subtitle 25 - Maryland Security Council [Repealed]
- Subtitle 26 - Maryland African American Museum Corporation
- Subtitle 27 - Maryland Youth Advisory Council
- Subtitle 28 - State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council