Section 5-303 - Considerations by Administration.

§ 6.5-303. Considerations by Administration.

In determining whether to approve an acquisition of a nonprofit health service plan or a nonprofit health maintenance organization, the Administration shall consider: 

(1) the criteria listed in § 6.5-301 of this subtitle; and 

(2) whether the acquisition: 

(i) is equitable to enrollees, insureds, shareholders, and certificate holders, if any, of the transferor; 

(ii) is in compliance with Title 2, Subtitle 6 of the Corporations and Associations Article; 

(iii) ensures that the transferee will possess surplus in an amount sufficient to: 

1. comply with the surplus required under law; and 

2. provide for the security of the transferee's certificate holders and policyholders. 

[1998, chs. 123, 124; 2001, ch. 701.]