Section 10-134 - Work plan.
§ 10-134. Work plan.
(a) Preparation.- At least 1 year before the commencement of the review and evaluation of its regulations, each unit shall prepare a work plan and submit the work plan to the Governor and, subject to § 2-1246 of this article, the Committee.
(b) Contents.- The work plan shall:
(1) include a description of the procedures and methods to be used by the unit, which may include:
(i) procedures for inviting public comment, including:
1. the publication of notices in the Maryland Register;
2. the publication of notices in newspapers of general circulation in the State;
3. the posting of a notice on the unit's website or on a statewide website created for units to post notices of regulations review;
4. the mailing of notices; and
5. the holding of public hearings at various locations around the State;
(ii) procedures for ensuring the participation of stakeholders in the review process;
(iii) procedures for ensuring the participation in the review process of other units affected by the regulations; and
(iv) procedures for gathering and reviewing:
1. recent scientific information related to the regulations being reviewed;
2. similar regulations adopted or repealed by other states or the federal government; and
3. other appropriate information;
(2) identify the individual or individuals in the unit who will coordinate the evaluation and communicate with the Committee; and
(3) establish the schedule the unit will follow to complete its evaluation report in a timely manner.
(c) Action by Committee.-
(1) Within 30 days after receipt of the work plan by the Committee, it shall:
(i) advise the unit in writing of any part of the work plan with which it disagrees;
(ii) submit to the unit in writing any changes it recommends to the work plan; and
(iii) in the event of a disagreement, attempt to meet with the head of the unit.
(2) The head of the unit and the Committee shall attempt to resolve any disagreements within 30 days after the Committee acts under this subsection.
[1985, ch. 727; 1991, ch. 55, § 6; 1997, ch. 635, § 9; ch. 636, § 9; 2001, ch. 380.]