Section 7-701 - Definitions [Subject to amendment effective January 1, 2011; amended version follows this section].     

§ 7-701.Definitions [Subject to amendment effective January 1, 2011; amended version follows this section].

(a)  In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. 

(b)  Administration.- "Administration" means the Maryland Energy Administration. 

(c)  Fund.- "Fund" means the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund established under § 9-20B-05 of the State Government Article. 

(d)  Industrial process load.- "Industrial process load" means the consumption of electricity by a manufacturing process at an establishment classified in the manufacturing sector under the North American Industry Classification System, Codes 31 through 33. 

(e)  Old growth timber.- "Old growth timber" means timber from a forest: 

(1) at least 5 acres in size with a preponderance of old trees, of which the oldest exceed at least half the projected maximum attainable age for the species; and 

(2) that exhibits several of the following characteristics: 

(i) shade-tolerant species are present in all age and size classes; 

(ii) randomly distributed canopy gaps are present; 

(iii) a high degree of structural diversity characterized by multiple growth layers reflecting a broad spectrum of ages is present; 

(iv) an accumulation of dead wood of varying sizes and stages of decomposition accompanied by decadence in live dominant trees is present; and 

(v) pit and mound topography can be observed. 

(f)  PJM region.- "PJM region" means the control area administered by the PJM Interconnection, Inc., as the area may change from time to time. 

(g)  Poultry litter.- "Poultry litter" means the fecal and urinary excretions of poultry, including wood shavings, sawdust, straw, rice hulls, and other bedding material for the disposition of manure. 

(h)  Qualifying biomass.-  

(1) "Qualifying biomass" means a nonhazardous, organic material that is available on a renewable or recurring basis, and is: 

(i) waste material that is segregated from inorganic waste material and is derived from sources including: 

1. except for old growth timber, any of the following forest-related resources: 

A. mill residue, except sawdust and wood shavings; 

B. precommercial soft wood thinning; 

C. slash; 

D. brush; or 

E. yard waste; 

2. a pallet, crate, or dunnage; 

3. agricultural and silvicultural sources, including tree crops, vineyard materials, grain, legumes, sugar, and other crop by-products or residues; or 

4. gas produced from the anaerobic decomposition of animal waste or poultry waste; or 

(ii) a plant that is cultivated exclusively for purposes of being used at a Tier 1 renewable source or a Tier 2 renewable source to produce electricity. 

(2) "Qualifying biomass" includes biomass listed in paragraph (1) of this section that is used for co-firing, subject to § 7-704(d) of this subtitle. 

(3) "Qualifying biomass" does not include: 

(i) unsegregated solid waste or postconsumer wastepaper; or 

(ii) an invasive exotic plant species. 

(i)  Renewable energy credit.- "Renewable energy credit" or "credit" means a credit equal to the generation attributes of 1 megawatt-hour of electricity that is derived from a Tier 1 renewable source or a Tier 2 renewable source that is located: 

(1) in the PJM region or in a state that is adjacent to the PJM region; or 

(2) outside the area described in item (1) of this subsection but in a control area that is adjacent to the PJM region, if the electricity is delivered into the PJM region. 

(j)  Renewable energy portfolio standard.- "Renewable energy portfolio standard" or "standard" means the percentage of electricity sales at retail in the State that is to be derived from Tier 1 renewable sources and Tier 2 renewable sources in accordance with § 7-703(b) of this subtitle. 

(k)  Renewable on-site generator.- "Renewable on-site generator" means a person who generates electricity on site from a Tier 1 renewable source or a Tier 2 renewable source for the person's own use. 

(l)  Tier 1 renewable source.- "Tier 1 renewable source" means one or more of the following types of energy sources: 

(1) solar; 

(2) wind; 

(3) qualifying biomass; 

(4) methane from the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials in a landfill or wastewater treatment plant; 

(5) geothermal; 

(6) ocean, including energy from waves, tides, currents, and thermal differences; 

(7) a fuel cell that produces electricity from a Tier 1 renewable source under item (3) or (4) of this subsection; 

(8) a small hydroelectric power plant of less than 30 megawatts in capacity that is licensed or exempt from licensing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; and 

(9) poultry litter-to-energy. 

(m)  Tier 2 renewable source.- "Tier 2 renewable source" means one or more of the following types of energy sources: 

(1) hydroelectric power other than pump storage generation; and 

(2) waste-to-energy. 

[2004, ch. 487, § 1; ch. 488, § 1; 2005, ch. 266; 2007, chs. 119, 120; 2008, chs. 127, 128, 135, 136.]