Section 4-103 - Applications for money from Fund.

§ 4-103. Applications for money from Fund.

(a)  Procedures.- The Executive Director shall establish procedures for local law enforcement agencies to apply for money from the Fund. 

(b)  Contents of application.- A local law enforcement agency that applies for money from the Fund shall provide the Executive Director with the following information: 

(1) the number of violent crime incidents committed within the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency for the last 2 years; 

(2) the current number of sworn officers; 

(3) the current number of sworn officers not assigned protective body armor; 

(4) the number and age of protective body armor units currently in use by the local law enforcement agency; 

(5) the number of protective body armor units requested: 

(i) for officers not currently assigned protective body armor; and 

(ii) for officers assigned protective body armor in need of replacement due to age or wear; 

(6) the regulations of the local law enforcement agency that relate to the use of protective body armor; 

(7) the local law enforcement agency's budget request for supplies and equipment for the current and last 2 fiscal years; and 

(8) any other information that the Executive Director considers necessary to make grants for protective body armor. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 88B, § 30(d); 2003, ch. 5, § 2; 2006, ch. 311.]