Subtitle 2 - Police Training Commission
- Section 3-201 - Definitions.
- Section 3-202 - Established.
- Section 3-203 - Membership.
- Section 3-204 - Officers.
- Section 3-205 - Quorum; meetings; compensation; records.
- Section 3-206 - Staff.
- Section 3-207 - General powers and duties of Commission.
- Section 3-208 - Regulations.
- Section 3-209 - Certification of police officers.
- Section 3-210 - Lapse of certification - In general.
- Section 3-211 - Same - Failure to meet standards.
- Section 3-212 - Suspensions and revocations of certification; hearings; judicial review.
- Section 3-213 - Recall of certificate.
- Section 3-214 - Recertification after revoked certification.
- Section 3-215 - Appointment of police officers, police supervisors, and police administrators.
- Section 3-216 - Employment of individual without certification prohibited.
- Section 3-217 - Acting as police officer with lapsed, suspended, or revoked certificate prohibited.
- Section 3-218 - Effect of subtitle.