Section 13-302 - Same - Duties.

§ 13-302. Same - Duties.

(a)  Appointments.-  

(1) The Adjutant General may appoint: 

(i) a chief of State operations; 

(ii) an executive officer; 

(iii) an administrative officer; 

(iv) the directors of military installations, procurement, military support to civil authorities, State personnel, finance, and veterans affairs; 

(v) the site managers for military reservations; and 

(vi) a grants administrator. 

(2) The executive officer and directors appointed under paragraph (1) of this subsection serve at the pleasure of the Adjutant General. 

(b)  Records.-  

(1) The Adjutant General shall keep all records required to be kept and filed with the Adjutant General's office. 

(2) On or before each October 15, the Adjutant General shall submit to the Governor a detailed statement of all the receipts and expenditures for military purposes during the year ending the previous September 30. 

(c)  Armories.-  

(1) The Adjutant General is responsible for: 

(i) each armory that the State owns; and 

(ii) each building or other property purchased, occupied, or leased by or on behalf of the State military forces. 

(2) If the Adjutant General rejects an application to use an armory for nonmilitary purposes, the application is subject to review and approval by the Board of Public Works, the Adjutant General, and the commanding officer of the unit occupying that armory. 

(3) The Adjutant General may adopt regulations to enforce this subsection. 

(d)  Battle flags.- The Adjutant General is the custodian of battle flags and war records and is responsible for their proper care and preservation. 

(e)  Employees.- The Adjutant General may employ employees as required. 

(f)  Policies of Governor.- The Adjutant General shall carry out the Governor's policies concerning matters specified in this title and Title 14, Subtitles 1, 2, and 4 of this article. 

(g)  Seal.- The seal of the Adjutant General's office shall be delivered by the Adjutant General to the Adjutant General's successor. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 65, §§ 7, 9(a)(4), 10; 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]