Section 12-816 - Elevator in new building to accommodate rescue litter.
§ 12-816. Elevator in new building to accommodate rescue litter.
(a) Scope of section.- This subsection does not apply to:
(1) one or two family dwellings; or
(2) buildings under three stories.
(b) Required.- Each new building constructed after July 1, 1985, in which at least one elevator is planned, shall have a passenger elevator that can accommodate a horizontally carried and positioned 6 foot 8 inch rescue litter.
(c) Effect of specified changes.-
(1) In this section, "repair" has the meaning stated in the Safety Code.
(2) For purposes of this section, repair, renovation, modification, reconstruction, change of occupancy, or addition to an existing building as defined in Subtitle 10 of this title does not constitute a new building.
[An. Code 1957, art. 89, § 49B(b)(14), (q); 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]