Section 11-115 - Same - Explosives for use in firearms; required reports.

§ 11-115. Same - Explosives for use in firearms; required reports.

(a)  Prohibitions on possession or storage of explosives for use in firearms.-  

(1) A person may not possess at any time or store in any one place more than 5 pounds of smokeless powder or more than 5 pounds of black powder for use in firearms unless the person is licensed under this subtitle. 

(2) A person may not engage in the business of loading or reloading small arms ammunition unless the person is licensed to engage in business as a dealer under this subtitle. 

(3) Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, a person may not possess or store explosives for use in firearms in any quantity in multifamily dwellings, apartments, dormitories, hotels, schools or other public buildings, or buildings or structures open for public use. 

(b)  Prohibition on sale of explosives for use in firearms.- A dealer may not sell, barter, give, or dispose of more than 5 pounds of black powder or more than 5 pounds of smokeless powder for use in firearms to any one person at any one time unless the person is licensed under this subtitle. 

(c)  Failure to file reports or records prohibited.- A person may not fail to file reports or records required under § 11-112 of this subtitle. 

(d)  Failure to file report of theft prohibited.- A person may not fail to file a report of theft of explosives required under § 11-113 of this subtitle. 

(e)  Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding $500 or both. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 38A, §§ 27B(b), (c), (d)(1), 31A, 34D; 2003, ch. 5, § 2; ch. 21, § 7.]