- Subtitle 1 - In General
- Subtitle 2 - Organization and Authority of Unit Pertaining to Wildlife /In General
- Subtitle 2A - Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act
- Subtitle 3 - Hunting Licenses
- Subtitle 4 - Hunting Restrictions - In General
- Subtitle 5 - Restrictions Relating to Species Hunted for Their Fur, Pelt, or Hide
- Subtitle 6 - Wild Waterfowl
- Subtitle 7 - Field Trials and Use of Hunting Dogs
- Subtitle 8 - State Wildlife Management Areas and Hunting Grounds
- Subtitle 9 - Captive Wildlife
- Subtitle 10 - Wild Waterfowl Policy
- Subtitle 11 - Penalties and Fines, Searches, Seizures, and Forfeitures
- Subtitle 12 - Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact