Section 8-1503 - Eligibility period; conditions for eligibility.

§ 8-1503. Eligibility period; conditions for eligibility.

(a)  Eligibility period.- The eligibility period of a former servicemember consists of: 

(1) the weeks in the former servicemember's benefit year that begin during the additional benefit period; and 

(2) if the former servicemember's benefit year ends during the additional benefit period, any week thereafter that begins during the additional benefit period. 

(b)  Conditions for eligibility.- To be eligible for additional benefits for a week during an eligibility period, a former servicemember: 

(1) shall be unemployed for the week for which benefits are claimed; 

(2) shall meet each requirement of this title for regular benefits that applies to a claim for additional benefits; 

(3) may not be subject to disqualification from receiving regular benefits; and 

(4) shall have exhausted all UCX benefits to which the former servicemember is entitled. 

[1991, ch. 627, § 2.]