Section 11-222 - Groups engaged in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance.

§ 11-222. Groups engaged in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance.

(a)  Applicability of subtitle.- Each group, association, or other organization of insurers that engages in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance is subject to this subtitle with respect to its joint underwriting or joint reinsurance activities. 

(b)  Unfair or unreasonable activities or practices.- If, after a hearing, the Commissioner finds that an activity or practice of a group, association, or other organization that engages in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance is unfair, unreasonable, or otherwise inconsistent with this subtitle, the Commissioner may issue a written order that specifies the ways in which the activity or practice is unreasonable, unfair, or otherwise inconsistent with this subtitle and requires that the activity or practice be discontinued. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 242; 1997, ch. 35, § 2.]