Section 11-202 - Scope of subtitle.

§ 11-202. Scope of subtitle.

(a)  In general.-  

(1) This subtitle applies to all types of insurers. 

(2) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this subtitle applies to: 

(i) property insurance; 

(ii) casualty insurance; 

(iii) surety insurance; 

(iv) marine insurance; and 

(v) wet marine and transportation insurance. 

(b)  Exceptions.- This subtitle does not apply to: 

(1) reinsurance, except as provided in § 11-222 of this subtitle; 

(2) insurance of vessels or craft or their cargoes, marine protection and indemnity insurance, or insurance of other risks commonly insured under policies of marine insurance, as distinguished from inland marine insurance; 

(3) insurance against loss of or damage to aircraft including their accessories and equipment, or insurance against liability, other than workers' compensation insurance or employer's liability insurance, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of aircraft; 

(4) title insurance; or 

(5) the Injured Workers' Insurance Fund. 

(c)  Insurer designation of applicability.- If a kind of insurance, subdivision or combination of kinds of insurance, or type of coverage is subject to this subtitle and is also subject to regulation by another rate regulatory provision of the statutes of the State, an insurer to which both provisions are otherwise applicable shall file with the Commissioner a designation as to which rate regulatory provision is applicable to it with respect to that kind of insurance, subdivision or combination of kinds of insurance, or type of coverage. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 242; 1997, ch. 35, § 2.]