Section 8-505 - Disbursements to local management boards.

§ 8-505. Disbursements to local management boards.

(a)  Application by local management board.- A local management board shall apply for money from the Fund in accordance with procedures established by the Children's Cabinet. 

(b)  Community partnership agreements.- In connection with an application for money under subsection (a) of this section, a local management board shall develop and submit a community partnership agreement that: 

(1) reflects coordination with: 

(i) the State's 3-year plan for children, youth, and families; and 

(ii) any local government plan for services for children, youth, and families, including the local substance abuse plan developed in accordance with Title 8, Subtitle 10 of the Health - General Article; and 

(2) addresses the priorities and strategies of the county for meeting the identified needs of children and families as articulated in the local management board's 5-year strategic plan regarding: 

(i) youth development; 

(ii) prevention services; 

(iii) crisis and early intervention; 

(iv) services for children at risk of out-of-home placement or returning from out-of-home placement; and 

(v) out-of-home placement and treatment. 

(c)  Terms and conditions of disbursements.- The Children's Cabinet may disburse money to a local management board subject to the terms, conditions, performance measures, or outcome evaluations that the Children's Cabinet considers necessary. 

(d)  Use of money.- The local management board shall use the money to implement: 

(1) a local interagency services delivery system for children, youth, and families in accordance with the community partnership agreement; and 

(2) any terms, conditions, and performance measures that the Children's Cabinet requires. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 49D, § 5-103; 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]