Section 7-305 - Duties.

§ 7-305. Duties.

(a)  In general.- The Council shall: 

(1) solicit and gather concerns of caregivers by: 

(i) conducting surveys; 

(ii) holding public hearings; 

(iii) establishing a telephone hotline for public access; and 

(iv) other appropriate means; 

(2) develop and distribute to interested parties a handbook of current respite care and other family caregiver services available in the State; 

(3) review successful respite care programs in other states; 

(4) develop a model family caregiver support program that incorporates best practices from existing programs in this and other states; 

(5) coordinate activities of existing and proposed family caregiver support services among State and local units; 

(6) research available funding sources and explore possibilities for additional funds; and 

(7) identify unmet needs and priorities for additional funds. 

(b)  Annual report.- The Council shall report annually on its activities to the Governor and, subject to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 88A, § 129A(c), (d); 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]