Subtitle 4 - Disciplinary Actions
- Section 14-401 - Investigations.
- Section 14-402 - Examination of licensed physician or other regulated health professional; Physician Rehabilitation Program.
- Section 14-403 - Conditions for surrender of license, certification or registration.
- Section 14-404 - Denials, reprimands, probations, suspensions, and revocations - Grounds.
- Section 14-405 - Hearings.
- Section 14-405.1 - Penalty instead of suspension or in addition to suspension or revocation.
- Section 14-406 - Findings and order of Board - In general.
- Section 14-407 - Order of suspension or revocation.
- Section 14-408 - Administrative and judicial review.
- Section 14-409 - Reinstatement of suspended or revoked license.
- Section 14-410 - Discoverability or admissibility in evidence of Board documents.
- Section 14-411 - Disclosure of records by Board.
- Section 14-411.1 - Individual licensee profiles - Internet links.
- Section 14-412 - Immunity from civil liability of participants in Board proceedings.
- Section 14-413 - Reports to be made to Board.
- Section 14-414 - Reports from alternative health systems.
- Section 14-415 - Display of notice explaining Centers for Disease Control's guidelines on universal precautions.