Section 12-704 - Misrepresentations.

§ 12-704. Misrepresentations.

(a)  Misrepresentation as authorized practitioner of pharmacy.-  

(1) Unless authorized to practice pharmacy under this title, a person may not represent to the public by title, by description of services, methods, or procedures, or otherwise, that the person is authorized to practice pharmacy in this State. 

(2) Unless authorized to practice pharmacy under this title, a person may not use the terms "pharmacist" or "druggist" with the intent to represent that the person practices pharmacy. 

(b)  Misrepresentation that establishment is a pharmacy.-  

(1) Unless an establishment has a pharmacy permit, a person may not represent to the public by title, by description of services, methods, or procedures, or otherwise, that the establishment is a pharmacy. 

(2) The acts prohibited by this subsection include using, with the intent to misrepresent that an establishment is a pharmacy, the terms "pharmacy" or "drugstore", the characteristic show bottles or globes filled with colored water, or any other term or symbol traditionally associated with practicing pharmacy. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 250; 1981, ch. 8, § 2; 1990, ch. 6, § 11.]