Subtitle 5 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse /Publicly Intoxicated Individuals, Court Ordered Evaluations, and Voluntary Treatment
- Section 8-501 - Disposition of publicly intoxicated individuals.
- Section 8-502 - Admission to a facility.
- Section 8-502.1 - Admission of minors to inpatient facilities.
- Section 8-503 - Disposition of arrested individuals.
- Section 8-504 - Police responsibility.
- Section 8-505 - Evaluation of criminal defendants.
- Section 8-506 - Commitment for evaluation.
- Section 8-507 - Considerations and findings prior to revocation of probation.
- Section 8-508 - Outpatient and aftercare treatment.
- Section 8-509 - Admission of intoxicated individuals and chronic alcoholics to private and public hospitals.
- Section 8-510 - [Repealed].
- Section 8-511 - [Repealed].