Section 19-307.2 - Licensed bed capacity.

§ 19-307.2. Licensed bed capacity.

(a)  General hospitals.- For a hospital classified as a general hospital, the Secretary shall annually calculate the hospital's licensed bed capacity. 

(b)  Calculations.- The annual licensed bed calculation for each hospital shall equal 140 percent of the average daily census for the 12-month period immediately preceding the calculation. 

(c)  Exceeding the licensed bed capacity.- If necessary to adequately meet demand for services, a hospital may exceed its licensed bed capacity if: 

(1) On average for the 12-month period, the hospital does not exceed its licensed bed capacity based on the annual calculation; and 

(2) The hospital includes in its monthly report to the Health Services Cost Review Commission the following information: 

(i) The number of days in the month the hospital exceeded its licensed bed capacity; and 

(ii) The number of beds that were in excess on each of those days. 

(d)  Delicensing licensed hospital beds.- Before July 1, 2000 and each July 1 thereafter, the Secretary shall delicense any licensed hospital beds determined to be excess bed capacity under subsection (b) of this section. 

[1999, ch. 678.]