Section 18-325 - Prohibited acts; penalty.

§ 18-325. Prohibited acts; penalty.

(a)  Refusal to enter health facility.- An individual may not refuse to comply with the placement ordered under § 18-324 of this subtitle. 

(b)  Disorderly behavior; leaving before proper discharge.- While an individual is in any placement for tuberculosis treatment, the individual may not: 

(1) Behave in a disorderly manner; or 

(2) Leave the placement before being discharged properly. 

(c)  Penalty.- An individual who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be imprisoned in a penal institution with facilities for tuberculosis treatment until the Secretary or the Health Department of Baltimore City finds that the condition of the individual no longer endangers the health of the community, or the Secretary obtains a court order that states that the individual: 

(1) Is to be moved to a specified less restrictive setting for continuation of treatment; 

(2) Must comply with the treatment until the Secretary determines the treatment has been completed; 

(3) May not behave in a disorderly manner or leave the placement until the Secretary determines that the individual has completed the treatment; and 

(4) Following a hearing, will be reimprisoned until the Secretary determines that the individual has completed the treatment, if the individual does not comply with the terms of the order. 

[1982, ch. 568; 1994, ch. 64; 1997, ch. 8.]