Section 13-1107 - Local Public Health Component.
§ 13-1107. Local Public Health Component.
(a) Established.- There is a Local Public Health Component in the Program.
(b) Component purpose.- The purpose of the Local Public Health Component is to maximize the effectiveness of anti-cancer initiatives in the State by empowering local health coalitions to develop and implement cancer prevention, education, screening, and treatment programs in coordination with the Department.
(c) Grants.- Subject to §§ 13-1108 through 13-1113 of this subtitle, the Department may distribute grants to counties for cancer prevention, education, screening, and treatment programs.
(d) Use of allocated moneys; planning grants.-
(1) Except as provided under paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Department may not spend any funds that are allocated to the Local Public Health Component in the State budget until after the Baseline Cancer Study has been completed.
(2) Before the Baseline Cancer Study is completed, the Department may distribute a planning grant of not more than $10,000 to each local health department other than the Baltimore City Health Department.
(e) Required use of portion of funds.- A county or statewide academic health center that receives funds under a local public health cancer grant shall dedicate at least 60% of the funds to cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment.
[2000, chs. 17, 18; 2004, ch. 430, § 1.]