Subtitle 1 - Commissioner of Financial Regulation
- Section 2-101 - Office established.
- Section 2-102 - Appointment; responsibility to Secretary; qualifications; compensation.
- Section 2-103 - Deputy Commissioner.
- Section 2-104 - Staff.
- Section 2-105 - Authority of Secretary.
- Section 2-105.1 - Regulations; multistate automated licensing systems.
- Section 2-106 - Seal.
- Section 2-107 - Annual report.
- Section 2-108 - Collection of nonrefundable fees.
- Section 2-109 - Payment of money to General Fund.
- Section 2-110 - Full-time duties of Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.
- Section 2-111 - Conflicts of interest - Ownership of certain stock prohibited.
- Section 2-112 - Same - Other prohibited activities.
- Section 2-113 - Investigative and enforcement powers - In general.
- Section 2-114 - Same - Powers of Commissioner; oaths and discovery; order to compel.
- Section 2-115 - Same - Cease and desist orders; authorized actions for violations; penalties.
- Section 2-116 - Same - Circuit court action.
- Section 2-117 - Cooperative and information sharing agreements.
- Section 2-118 - Banking Institution and Credit Union Regulation Fund.
- Section 2-119 - Governor's annual appropriation.