Subtitle 5 - Child Care; Foster Care
- Section 5-501 - Definitions.
- Section 5-502 - Legislative findings.
- Section 5-503 - Corporations for the care and protection of minor children.
- Section 5-504 - Rights of foster parents.
- Section 5-505 - [Repealed].
- Section 5-506 - Legislative intent; regulations; only 1 license required.
- Section 5-507 - License for child placement agency.
- Section 5-508 - License for child care home.
- Section 5-509 - License for child care institution.
- Section 5-509.1 - Licensing to operate a residential educational facility.
- Section 5-510 - Applications for licenses.
- Section 5-511 - Compliance with Workers' Compensation Act.
- Section 5-512 - Reciprocity.
- Section 5-513 - Action required on application for license.
- Section 5-514 - Term of license.
- Section 5-515 - Suspension or revocation of license.
- Section 5-516 - Hearing.
- Section 5-517 - Administrative review.
- Section 5-518 - Judicial review.
- Section 5-519 - Powers of Administration.
- Section 5-520 - Duties of licensees.
- Section 5-521 - Penalties for violation of Part II.
- Section 5-522 - , 5-523. [Reserved].
- Section 5-524 - Child welfare services.
- Section 5-525 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - In general.
- Section 5-525.1 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Adoption.
- Section 5-525.2 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Sibling placement and visitation rights.
- Section 5-526 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Provision of services through group homes and institutions.
- Section 5-527 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Rates.
- Section 5-528 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Reimbursement for medical costs.
- Section 5-529 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Liability insurance and reimbursement for loss to foster parents.
- Section 5-530 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Adoption of child under foster care.
- Section 5-531 - Out-of-home placement and foster care - Payment of funeral expenses.
- Section 5-532 - Rules and regulations.
- Section 5-533 - Health care services by residential facilities for children.
- Section 5-534 - Kinship care program.
- Section 5-535 - State Board - Established.
- Section 5-536 - State Board - Membership.
- Section 5-537 - State Board - Chair and vice chair.
- Section 5-538 - State Board - Meetings; compensation; staff.
- Section 5-539 - State Board - Powers and duties.
- Section 5-539.1 - State Board - Additional responsibilities.
- Section 5-539.2 - Local citizens review panels.
- Section 5-539.3 - Prohibitions.
- Section 5-540 - Local boards - Established.
- Section 5-541 - Local boards - Membership.
- Section 5-542 - Local boards - Chair.
- Section 5-543 - Local boards or local panels - Compensation; confidentiality.
- Section 5-544 - Local boards - Goals.
- Section 5-545 - Local boards - Powers and duties.
- Section 5-546 - Information to be provided by public or private entities.
- Section 5-547 - Construction.
- Section 5-548 - , 5-549. [Reserved].
- Section 5-550 - Definitions.
- Section 5-550.1 - Registration system.
- Section 5-551 - Regulations.
- Section 5-552 - Registration required; advertisement; violation.
- Section 5-552.1 - Amnesty for unregistered family day care providers.
- Section 5-553 - Group size.
- Section 5-554 - Revocation of registration; appeal; injunction of unregistered operation.
- Section 5-554.1 - Search warrant - Unregistered family day care homes.
- Section 5-555 - Informational pamphlet.
- Section 5-556 - Child abuse.
- Section 5-556.1 - Lead poisoning screen.
- Section 5-557 - Penalty - Criminal.
- Section 5-557.1 - Penalty - Civil.
- Section 5-558 - Construction.
- Section 5-559 - [Repealed].
- Section 5-559.1 - Family Day Care Provider Direct Grant Fund.
- Section 5-559.2 - Approval of direct grants.
- Section 5-559.3 - Use of direct grant funds.
- Section 5-559.4 - Limitations.
- Section 5-559.5 - Application; requirements.
- Section 5-559.6 - Terms and conditions; priorities.
- Section 5-559.7 - Prohibited acts; penalties.
- Section 5-559.8 - Rules.
- Section 5-560 - Definitions.
- Section 5-561 - Required; facilities requiring criminal history records check.
- Section 5-562 - Printed statement.
- Section 5-563 - Prior criminal offenses.
- Section 5-564 - Duties of Department.
- Section 5-565 - Contesting findings.
- Section 5-566 - Failure to disclose prior conviction or existence of pending charge.
- Section 5-567 - Immunity from civil or criminal liability.
- Section 5-568 - Duties of Secretary.
- Section 5-569 - Criminal history records checks in emergency out-of-home placements.
- Section 5-570 - Definitions.
- Section 5-571 - Findings; statement of purpose.
- Section 5-572 - Scope of part.
- Section 5-573 - Rules and regulations.
- Section 5-574 - License required; compliance with rules and regulations.
- Section 5-575 - Applications for licenses.
- Section 5-576 - Issuance of license.
- Section 5-577 - Scope of license; changes.
- Section 5-578 - Term and renewal of licenses and letters of compliance; inspections.
- Section 5-579 - License not transferable.
- Section 5-580 - Denials, suspensions and revocations; emergency suspensions; injunctions.
- Section 5-580.1 - Search warrant - Unlicensed child care centers.
- Section 5-580.2 - Lead poisoning screen.
- Section 5-580.3 - Child abuse and neglect clearance for employees of child care centers.
- Section 5-581 - Judicial review.
- Section 5-582 - Prohibited acts.
- Section 5-583 - Penalties - Criminal.
- Section 5-583.1 - Penalties - Civil.
- Section 5-584 - Child abuse.
- Section 5-585 - State supersession and preemption of subordinate jurisdiction provisions on licensure or regulations.
- Section 5-585.1 - [Repealed].
- Section 5-586 - Definitions.
- Section 5-587 - Child care centers in State-occupied buildings.
- Section 5-588 - Assistance of other departments; duties of Department; duties of Department of General Services; use of space for other purposes; priority of children of State employees; periodic asse
- Section 5-589 - Pilot program.
- Section 5-589.1 - Lead poisoning screen.
- Section 5-590 - Definitions.
- Section 5-591 - Establishment.
- Section 5-592 - Membership.
- Section 5-593 - Duties.
- Section 5-594 - Definitions.
- Section 5-594.1 - Creation; power to contract.
- Section 5-594.2 - Delegation of authority; grant as incentive.
- Section 5-594.3 - General provisions.
- Section 5-594.4 - Awards.
- Section 5-594.5 - Application.
- Section 5-594.6 - State Department of Education to set terms, conditions, priorities.
- Section 5-594.7 - Prohibited acts; penalties.
- Section 5-594.8 - Regulations.
- Section 5-595 - Definitions.
- Section 5-595.1 - Legislative intent.
- Section 5-595.2 - Bargaining unit.
- Section 5-595.3 - Collective bargaining.
- Section 5-595.4 - Communication with State officials on matters of interest.
- Section 5-595.5 - Strikes prohibited.
- Section 5-595.6 - Construction of Part XI.