Section 9-709 - Removal of obstruction.

§ 9-709. Removal of obstruction.

(a)  Notice and order.- If any structure in, over, or under a public street, road, or alley in any county or municipality obstructs any work on a system, the municipal authority shall: 

(1) Give the person in control of the structure notice of the obstruction; and 

(2) Order the person in control of the structure to take any action necessary, within a time specified in the order, to enable the work to continue. 

(b)  Prohibition.- After the time specified in the order for abating the violation, a person who is served with an order under this section may not violate that order. 

(c)  Municipal authority to remove or readjust obstructing structure.- If any pipe or conduit laid under a public highway by a person in accordance with the terms of any permit issued or any plan approved under § 9-710 of this subtitle obstructs construction of any water main, sewer, or drain, the municipal authority shall remove or readjust the obstructing structure. 

(d)  Municipality to pay cost of changes.- The municipality shall pay the cost of any necessary changes made under this section. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 420; 1982, ch. 240, § 2; 1988, ch. 6, § 1.]