Section 8-102 - Notice of elections.
§ 8-102. Notice of elections.
(a) Methods of notice.- Except as required under subsection (d) of this section, a local board shall provide notice of each election in its county to the registered voters of the county by either:
(1) specimen ballot mailed at least 1 week before the election; or
(2) publication or dissemination by mass communication during the calendar week preceding the election.
(b) Content of notice.- The notice shall include:
(1) the time and place of the election; and
(2) the offices, candidate names, and questions contained on the ballot.
(c) Specimen ballots.-
(1) If a local board provides notice by mailing specimen ballots, a specimen ballot shall be mailed to all registered voters in the county who are eligible to vote in the election.
(2) The specimen ballot shall be a facsimile of the ballot that the voter is entitled to vote in the election.
(d) Specimen ballot for general election in Prince George's County.-
(1) In Prince George's County for the general election, the Board shall:
(i) provide notice by mailing specimen ballots; and
(ii) mail a specimen ballot to the household of each registered voter in the county.
(2) The costs for mailing specimen ballots in Prince George's County shall be included in the county's annual budget appropriation to the local board.
(e) Mass media publication.-
(1) Unless a local board mails a specimen ballot to its registered voters in accordance with subsection (c) or (d) of this section, the local board shall give notice of the election by newspaper publication or other means of mass communication.
(2) The notice of election under this subsection shall be arranged, if practicable, in the same order and form as the ballot.
(3) (i) If newspaper publication is used in a county, the notice shall be advertised in at least two newspapers of general circulation that are published in the county.
(ii) In a county in which only one newspaper is published, the notice shall be published in that newspaper.
[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 8-102; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4; 2009, ch. 60, § 5.]