Section 16-304 - Adding or deleting votes or provisional ballots.

§ 16-304. Adding or deleting votes or provisional ballots.

(a)  By election judges.- In a polling place on election day, an election judge may not willfully and knowingly: 

(1) permit a ballot or ballots to be placed into a ballot receptacle prior to the time for voting; or 

(2) place a ballot in a ballot receptacle unless the ballot is offered by a properly registered voter or is a provisional ballot placed with other provisional ballots of the same character. 

(b)  By any person.- A person may not: 

(1) cause or permit a ballot, including a provisional ballot, to be cast or deposited in a ballot receptacle, voting device, or other receptacle designed for the collection of ballots other than by a person entitled under this article to cast a ballot; or 

(2) substitute, alter, add, or remove a submitted ballot from a ballot receptacle, voting device, or other receptacle designed for the collection of ballots, except when instructed to do so by the election director. 

(c)  Penalties.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and is subject to imprisonment for not less than 1 year nor more than 5 years. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 16-304; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4; 2003, ch. 379, § 2; 2004, ch. 19.]