Section 16-202 - Voting by person convicted of felony; conditions.

§ 16-202. Voting by person convicted of felony; conditions.

(a)  In general.- A person who has been convicted of a felony and is actually serving a court-ordered sentence of imprisonment, including any term of parole or probation, for the conviction, and has been rendered ineligible to vote pursuant to § 3-102(b) of this article, may not vote or attempt to vote during the time that the person is rendered ineligible to vote. 

(b)  Penalties.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and is subject to imprisonment for not less than 1 year nor more than 5 years. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 33, § 16-202; 2002, ch. 291, §§ 2, 4; 2007, ch. 159, § 2.]