Section 26-301 - Forged or counterfeit transcript, diploma, or grade report of postsecondary institution.

§ 26-301. Forged or counterfeit transcript, diploma, or grade report of postsecondary institution.

(a)  Prohibition.-  

(1) A person may not falsely make, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, forged, or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist in falsely making, forging, or counterfeiting a transcript, diploma, or grade report of a postsecondary educational institution. 

(2) A person may not use, offer, or present as genuine a false, forged, counterfeited, or altered transcript, diploma, or grade report of a postsecondary educational institution. 

(3) A person may not use, offer or present a transcript, diploma, or grade report of a postsecondary educational institution in a fraudulent manner. 

(b)  Penalty.- A person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or both. 

[1985, ch. 155; 1988, ch. 6, § 1.]