Section 18-1102 - Qualifications of students and selection of recipients; amount of award; renewal; additional awards [Subject to amendment effective July 1, 2012].

§ 18-1102. Qualifications of students and selection of recipients; amount of award; renewal; additional awards [Subject to amendment effective July 1, 2012; amended version follows this section].

(a)  Qualifications of students and selection of recipients.- The Office shall annually select the 350 secondary school students who have the greatest potential for academic success in higher education as determined by criteria established by the Office and offer a scholarship to each of these students to be used at any Maryland postsecondary institution of the student's choice, if the student meets the following qualifications: 

(1) Qualifies academically as follows: 

(i) Has a secondary school transcript indicating an overall academic grade point average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent grade point average; 

(ii) Is a finalist of the National Merit Scholarship Program or the Achievement Scholarship Program administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation; or 

(iii) Has a superior creative talent or skill in art, music, dance, or the theater, as determined by an audition or portfolio review process established by the Office; 

(2) Has matriculated at a postsecondary educational institution in the State; and 

(3) Qualifies as a Maryland resident. 

(b)  Superior academic achievers.-  

(1) At least 150 of the 350 awards shall be granted to superior academic achievers whose secondary school transcripts indicate after the first semester of the junior year an overall academic grade point average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent grade point average. 

(2) At least 2 recipients who meet the qualifications specified under this section shall be selected from each county of the State. 

(c)  Amount of award; renewal.-  

(1) (i) Subject to subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, the scholarship award shall be in the amount of $3,000 for use in the next ensuing academic year. 

(ii) A recipient's award may not exceed the cost of attendance at the institution, including: 

1. The tuition and fees applicable to the student; and 

2. The institution's estimate of other expenses reasonably related to cost of attendance at that institution, including, without limitation, the cost of room and board, transportation, books, and supplies. 

(2) If it is accepted by the eligible student, each award shall be renewable, on an annual basis, for a maximum of 3 years subsequent to the original award if the recipient: 

(i) Remains a resident of the State; 

(ii) Attends an accredited postsecondary institution in the State; 

(iii) Is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student; and 

(iv) Maintains a 3.0 grade average on an academic year basis or, failing to do so, provides evidence, satisfactory to the Secretary, of extenuating circumstances of extreme personal hardship. 

(d)  Additional awards.-  

(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subsection, a recipient of an award made under this section shall receive an additional $3,000 for each year in which the recipient is eligible if the recipient: 

(i) Enrolls in an approved program of teacher education at an accredited postsecondary institution in the State; and 

(ii) Signs an agreement to: 

1. Commence employment as a teacher in a public school in the State within 9 months of the completion of undergraduate studies for 1 year for each year that the scholarship was awarded; and 

2. Repay the State the additional amounts awarded under this subsection as set forth in § 18-112 of this title if the recipient does not: 

A. Complete the teacher education program; and 

B. Teach in a public school in the State for a period of 1 year for each year in which the additional amount was awarded. 

(2) The additional scholarship awarded under this subsection may not exceed the cost of attendance at the institution, including: 

(i) The tuition and fees applicable to the student; and 

(ii) The institution's estimate of other expenses reasonably related to cost of attendance at that institution, including, without limitation, the cost of room and board, transportation, books, and supplies. 

(3) In consultation with the State Department of Education, the Office shall adopt rules and regulations to waive, for good cause, the repayment of any portion of the additional scholarship awarded under this subsection that is not forgiven if the recipient fails to fulfill the obligations agreed to under paragraph (1) (ii) of this subsection. 

[1978, ch. 823, § 1; 1980, ch. 521; 1981, ch. 2, § 3; ch. 694; 1984, ch. 84; 1987, ch. 11, § 1; ch. 278; 1988, ch. 6, § 1; ch. 246, § 2; chs. 573, 574; 1989, ch. 513; 1990, ch. 314; 1991, ch. 462, § 4; 2000, ch. 575; 2002, ch. 315, § 6; ch. 429, § 6; 2004, ch. 25; 2006, ch. 44.]