Subtitle 1 - General Provisions
- Section 15-101 - Admission standards.
- Section 15-102 - Payments by credit card.
- Section 15-103 - Access to military recruiters.
- Section 15-104 - Use of endowment funds, gifts, donations, etc.; fundraising; foundations.
- Section 15-105 - Transfer of personnel positions.
- Section 15-106 - Waiver of tuition and room and board.
- Section 15-106.1 - Tuition exemption for foster care recipients.
- Section 15-106.2 - Waiver of residency requirement for public school teacher.
- Section 15-106.3 - National Guard students.
- Section 15-106.4 - Exemption from paying nonresident tuition for certain military personnel, spouses, and dependents.
- Section 15-106.5 - Tuition increase prohibited for 2006 academic year.
- Section 15-106.6 - Higher Education Investment Fund.
- Section 15-106.7 - Exemption from nonresident tuition for children of State or local public safety employees.
- Section 15-107 - Promotion of economic interests through arrangements with private sector.
- Section 15-108 - Employee leave time.
- Section 15-109 - Exemption of provider of utility services from jurisdiction of Public Service Commission.
- Section 15-110 - Printing of Social Security number.
- Section 15-111 - Credit card marketing and merchandising conducted at higher education institutions.
- Section 15-112 - Sale of college textbooks.