Section 5-347 - Loan documents.

§ 5-347. Loan documents.

(a)  In general.- If the Department makes a child care special loan to an applicant, the Department shall prepare loan documents. 

(b)  Contents.- The loan documents shall include: 

(1) the rate of interest on the child care special loan; 

(2) the amount of the child care special loan; 

(3) a requirement that before each disbursement of loan proceeds is released to the applicant, the applicant and the Department cosign the request for the money; 

(4) provisions for repayment of the child care special loan; and 

(5) any other provisions that the Department determines are necessary, including provisions to take liens and security interests in real and personal property. 

(c)  Penalties for failure to operate child care facility.- The child care special loan documents may provide for penalties for an applicant who fails to operate the child care facility for the entire term of the child care special loan. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 83A, § 5-1409(h), (k)(2); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]