Section 5-1004 - Availability.

§ 5-1004. Availability.

(a)  Active duty support.- A loan made under this subtitle for the purpose of providing financial support to a business owned by an individual who is called to active duty or to a small business employer of an individual who is called to active duty: 

(1) may be made at any time from the individual's receipt of orders to report to 6 months after the end of the individual's active duty; and 

(2) shall be subject to criteria for eligibility and priority established by the Department of Veterans Affairs, including the extent to which the individual who is called to active duty is an essential employee of the business. 

(b)  Service-disabled veteran support.- A loan made under this subtitle for the purpose of making accessible to individuals with disabilities the home, motor vehicle, or place of employment of a service-disabled veteran may be made at any time. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 83A, § 6-901(e); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]