Section 10-509 - Powers - In general.

§ 10-509. Powers - In general.

The Corporation may: 

(1) adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business; 

(2) adopt a seal; 

(3) maintain an office at a place it designates in the State; 

(4) accept loans, grants, or financial and technical assistance in any form from the federal or State government, local governments, colleges or universities, or a private source; 

(5) enter into contracts and other legal instruments; 

(6) sue or be sued; 

(7) acquire, purchase, hold, lease as a lessee, and use any franchise, patent, or license and real, personal, mixed, or tangible or intangible property, or any interest in property; 

(8) own, improve, sell, lease as a lessor, transfer, license, assign, encumber, and dispose of any property or interest in property, necessary or convenient to carry out its purposes at public sale, with or without public bidding; 

(9) fix and collect rates, rentals, fees, royalties, and charges for the use of or for services and resources it provides or makes available; 

(10) retain any necessary accountants, engineers, financial advisors, and other consultants; 

(11) with the approval of the Attorney General, retain any necessary lawyers; 

(12) further define or limit the term "revenue" defined in § 10-501 of this subtitle as the term applies to a particular project, financing, or other matter; 

(13) create, own, control, or be a member of a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or other person, whether operated for profit or not for profit; 

(14) exercise a power usually possessed by a private corporation in performing similar functions unless to do so would conflict with State law; and 

(15) do anything necessary or convenient to carry out the powers granted by this subtitle. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 41, §§ 13-501(j)(3), 13-507(1)-(6), (8), (9), (11), (13)-(15), (17), (18), 13-508(9); 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]