Section 10-205 - Established.

§ 10-205. Established.

(a)  In general.- There is a Maryland Food Center Authority. 

(b)  Status.- The Authority is a body politic and corporate and an instrumentality of the State. 

(c)  Essential governmental function.- The exercise by the State, a political subdivision of the State, or the Authority of a power under this subtitle is the performance of an essential governmental function. 

(d)  Composition; appointment of members.-  

(1) The Authority consists of 12 members. 

(2) (i) Each member shall be a resident of the State. 

(ii) One member shall reside in Howard County. 

(3) Of the 12 members: 

(i) four shall be ex officio members: 

1. the Director of Agricultural Extension; 

2. the Comptroller; 

3. the Secretary of Agriculture; and 

4. the Secretary of General Services; and 

(ii) eight shall be outstanding residents appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. 

(e)  Tenure; vacancies.-  

(1) The term of an appointed member is 5 years. 

(2) At the end of a term, an appointed member continues to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies. 

(3) A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies. 

(f)  Removal.-  

(1) Thirty days after giving written notice to the member, the Governor may remove an appointed member for inefficiency, neglect, or misconduct. 

(2) The member is entitled to a hearing before the Governor, if a written request for a hearing is made to the Governor no later than 10 days after receiving the notice. 

(3) If a member is removed, the Governor shall promptly appoint a successor. 

(g)  Officers.-  

(1) From among its members, the Authority shall elect a chair and a vice chair. 

(2) The Authority shall elect a secretary-treasurer who need not be a member of the Authority. 

(h)  Meetings.-  

(1) The Authority shall meet at least quarterly. 

(2) At least 10 days before each meeting, written notice of the meeting shall be given to each member of the Authority. 

(i)  Quorum.- Seven members of the Authority are a quorum. 

(j)  Voting.-  

(1) A majority vote of the members present at a meeting having a quorum is needed for the Authority to act. 

(2) An ex officio voting member may designate another individual to vote in that member's absence. 

(k)  Compensation; reimbursement for expenses.-  

(1) The Authority may pay an appointed member up to $1,000 a year on a per diem basis for services. 

(2) A member of the Authority is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations. 

(3) Reimbursement and compensation under this subsection may only be paid from money provided under this subtitle. 

(l)  Rules and regulations.- The Authority shall adopt rules and regulations necessary for the conduct of its affairs. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 41, §§ 13-103, 13-105 (intro. lang.), 13-115; 2008, ch. 306, § 2.]