Section 9-504 - False statement - Concerning destructive device or toxic material.

§ 9-504. False statement - Concerning destructive device or toxic material.

(a)  Scope of section.- This section does not apply to a statement made or rumor circulated by an officer, employee, or agent of a bona fide civilian defense organization or unit, if made in the regular course of the person's duties. 

(b)  Prohibited.- A person may not circulate or transmit to another, with intent that it be acted on, a statement or rumor that the person knows to be false about the location or possible detonation of a destructive device or the location or possible release of toxic material, as those terms are defined in § 4-501 of this article. 

(c)  Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $10,000 or both. 

(d)  Venue.- A crime under this section committed using a telephone or other electronic means may be prosecuted: 

(1) in the county in which the communication originated; or 

(2) in the county in which the communication was received. 

(e)  Restitution.-  

(1) In addition to the penalty provided in subsection (c) of this section, a court may order a person convicted or found to have committed a delinquent act under this section to pay restitution to: 

(i) the State, county, municipal corporation, bicounty unit, multicounty unit, county board of education, public authority, or special taxing district for actual costs reasonably incurred in responding to a location and searching for a destructive device as a result of a violation of this section; and 

(ii) the owner or tenant of a property for the actual value of any goods, services, or income lost as a result of the evacuation of the property as a result of a violation of this section. 

(2) This subsection may not be construed to limit the right of a person to restitution under Title 11, Subtitle 6 of the Criminal Procedure Article. 

(3) (i) If the person convicted or found to have committed a delinquent act under this section is a minor, the court may order the minor, the minor's parent, or both to pay the restitution described in paragraph (1) of this subsection. 

(ii) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions of Title 11, Subtitle 6 of the Criminal Procedure Article apply to an order of restitution under this paragraph. 

(f)  License suspension of minor.- In addition to any other penalty authorized by law, if the person convicted or found to have committed a delinquent act under this section is a minor, the court may order the Motor Vehicle Administration to initiate an action, under the motor vehicle laws, to suspend the driving privilege of the minor for a specified period not to exceed: 

(1) for a first violation, 6 months; and 

(2) for each subsequent violation, 1 year or until the person is 21 years old, whichever is longer. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 151A; 2002, ch. 26, § 2; ch. 351; 2006, ch. 429.]