Section 8-203 - Changes.

§ 8-203. Changes.

(a)  Proposal of circuit court.-  

(1) A circuit court may propose to the Court of Appeals a change to the circuit court's jury plan at any time, by filing the proposal with the Court of Appeals. 

(2) Within 60 days after a circuit court files a proposal under this subsection, the Court of Appeals shall approve or disapprove the proposal. 

(3) A proposal approved under this subsection is effective: 

(i) 61 days after a circuit court files the proposal; or 

(ii) Any earlier date that the Court of Appeals sets. 

(b)  Order of Court of Appeals.-  

(1) If the Court of Appeals orders a circuit court to change its jury plan, the circuit court shall do so. 

(2) A change that the Court of Appeals orders is effective: 

(i) On the day the Court sets; but 

(ii) Not later than 90 days after the date of approval of the circuit court's change. 

[2006, ch. 372, § 13.]