Section 6-116 - Drinking Driver Monitor Program Fund.

§ 6-116. Drinking Driver Monitor Program Fund.

(a)  Fund established.- There is a Drinking Driver Monitor Program Fund. 

(b)  Purpose.- The Fund shall be used for all costs of the Drinking Driver Monitor Program. 

(c)  Status; management.-  

(1) The Fund is a special, nonlapsing fund that is not subject to § 7-302 of the State Finance and Procurement Article. 

(2) The Treasurer shall hold the Fund separately, and the Comptroller shall account for the Fund. 

(d)  Composition.- The Fund consists of: 

(1) the program fees paid by supervisees in the Drinking Driver Monitor Program; and 

(2) investment earnings of the Fund. 

(e)  Investments.- The money of the Fund shall be invested in the same manner as other State money. 

(f)  Expenditures.- Expenditures from the Fund may be made only: 

(1) in accordance with the State budget; or 

(2) by the budget amendment procedure as provided in § 7-209 of the State Finance and Procurement Article. 

(g)  Audits.- The Fund is subject to audit by the Office of Legislative Audits under § 2-1220 of the State Government Article. 

[2005, ch. 444, § 1.]