Section 14-3603 - Prohibited acts.

§ 14-3603. Prohibited acts.

A person may not: 

(1) Willfully mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or in any other way or by any other means of identification represent, or cause to be marked, stamped, tagged, branded, labeled, or represented, as halal a food product that is not halal; 

(2) Willfully remove, deface, obliterate, cover, alter, or destroy, or cause to be removed, defaced, obliterated, covered, altered, or destroyed, the original slaughterhouse plumba or any other mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or any other means of identification affixed to food products to indicate that those food products are halal; or 

(3) Knowingly sell, dispose of, or have in the person's possession, for the purpose of resale to another person as halal: 

(i) Any food product not having affixed to the food product the original slaughterhouse plumba or any other mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or other means of identification employed to indicate that the food product is halal; or 

(ii) Any food product to which the slaughterhouse plumba, mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or other means of identification has been fraudulently affixed. 

[2008, ch. 112.]