Section 14-1907 - Violations; void contracts; waivers; burden of proof.

§ 14-1907. Violations; void contracts; waivers; burden of proof.

(a)  Breach of contract.- Any breach by a credit services business of a contract under this subtitle, or of any obligation arising under it, shall constitute a violation of this subtitle. 

(b)  Void contracts.- Any contract for services from a credit services business that does not comply with the applicable provisions of this subtitle shall be void and unenforceable as contrary to the public policy of this State. 

(c)  Waivers.-  

(1) Any waiver by a consumer of any of the provisions of this subtitle shall be deemed void and unenforceable by a credit services business as contrary to the public policy of this State; and 

(2) Any attempt by a credit services business to have a consumer waive rights given by this subtitle shall constitute a violation of this subtitle. 

(d)  Burden of proof.- In any proceeding involving this subtitle, the burden of proving an exemption or an exception from a definition is upon the person claiming it. 

[1987, ch. 469; 1988, ch. 6, § 1.]