Section 14-1322 - Third party vendor billing.

§ 14-1322. Third party vendor billing.

(a) (1)  Definitions.- In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. 

(2) "Billing agent" means a person that submits charges for products or services to a telephone company or reseller on behalf of the person submitting the charges or on behalf of a third-party vendor. 

(3) "Customer" means a customer of a telephone company or reseller. 

(4) "Express authorization" means an express, affirmative act by an ordering customer in the form of: 

(i) A written authorization; 

(ii) An oral authorization verified and recorded by an independent party; or 

(iii) A recorded electronic authorization. 

(5) "Ordering customer" means a customer or another person ordering services that will appear on the customer's telephone bill. 

(6) "Reseller" means a person that provides wireline telephone voice service by using the transmission facilities of another person. 

(7) "Telephone company" means a person that provides wireline telephone voice services. 

(8) "Third-party vendor" means an entity not affiliated with a telephone company or reseller that: 

(i) Provides products or services to a customer; and 

(ii) Seeks to charge the customer through third-party vendor billing. 

(9) (i) "Third-party vendor billing" means the use of a telephone company's or reseller's billing system, either directly or through a billing agent, to charge a customer for products or services provided by a third-party vendor. 

(ii) "Third-party vendor billing" does not include billing for: 

1. Products or services offered by, or bundled with the products or services of, a telephone company, a reseller, or an affiliate of a telephone company or reseller; 

2. Long distance services that a customer initiates by dialing 1+, 0+, 0-, or 1010XXX; or 

3. Commercial mobile radio services. 

(b)  Prohibition of submitting charges without express authorization.- Unless the third-party vendor or billing agent first obtains an ordering customer's express authorization, a third-party vendor or billing agent may not submit charges to a telephone company or reseller. 

(c)  Express authorization.- The express authorization required under subsection (b) of this section shall: 

(1) Be separate from any solicitation material or entry forms for sweepstakes or contests; and 

(2) Include: 

(i) The name and telephone number of the ordering customer; 

(ii) The date of authorization; 

(iii) An explanation of: 

1. The product or service offered; and 

2. All applicable charges; and 

(iv) An affirmation by the ordering customer that: 

1. The ordering customer is at least 18 years of age and authorized to order services that will appear on the customer's telephone bill; and 

2. Third-party vendor billing charges may be billed using the customer's telephone bill. 

(d)  Express authorization - Retention of copy.- A third-party vendor or billing agent shall retain a copy of the express authorization required under subsection (b) of this section for 2 years after the date of authorization. 

(e)  Liability for charges.- A customer is not liable for third-party vendor billing charges unless: 

(1) The customer has been given notice that the telephone company or reseller may allow third-party vendor billing and that free blocking of certain third-party vendor billing may be available to the customer; and 

(2) The customer is provided access to: 

(i) An itemization of the third-party vendor billing charges identifying them separately from other charges; and 

(ii) The name and telephone number of the third-party vendor or its billing agent. 

(f)  Liability for charges - Dispute.- Unless the third-party vendor or billing agent provides a copy of the authorization required under subsection (b) of this section to the customer and to the telephone company or reseller, a customer is not liable for third-party vendor billing charges if the customer, in good faith and in a reasonably timely manner, but not outside the time period specified in subsection (d) of this section, disputes that the charges were authorized. 

(g)  Agreement.- An agreement for third-party vendor billing entered into by a telephone company or reseller and a third-party vendor or billing agent on or after October 1, 2010, is void and unenforceable to the extent that it does not require the third-party vendor to comply with subsection (b) of this section. 

(h)  Violation of section.- A violation of this section by a third-party vendor or billing agent: 

(1) Is an unfair or deceptive trade practice under Title 13 of this article; and 

(2) Except for the provisions of § 13-411 of this article, is subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions contained in Title 13 of this article. 

[2010, chs. 89, 90.]