Section 11-524 - State Fair Society - In general.
§ 11-524. State Fair Society - In general.
(a) License for race meeting.-
(1) The Commission shall issue a special thoroughbred racing license to the State Fair Society to hold a race meeting.
(2) The race meeting shall:
(i) last not more than 10 days in a calendar year;
(ii) be held with or for the benefit of the State Fair or a county fair or agricultural exhibition; and
(iii) comply with this title.
(b) Fee for each racing day.- The State Fair Society shall pay to the county treasurer of the county where the fair or exhibition is held, for the use of the county, a fee of $50 for each racing day of the race meeting.
(c) Transfer of racing day.- The Commission may authorize the State Fair Society to transfer a race meeting from the State Fair Society's own track to the track of a mile thoroughbred racing licensee:
(1) on receipt of the appropriate license fees; and
(2) with the express consent of the owner or lessee of the track to which the transfer is made.
(d) Discontinued racing at Timonium - In general.- If the State Fair Society ends special thoroughbred racing at the Timonium Race Course, the racing days that were awarded to it may be awarded to a mile thoroughbred licensee on the same terms as the additional racing days under § 11-511 of this subtitle.
(e) Discontinued racing at Timonium - Compensation and payment prohibited.- If racing is discontinued at the Timonium Race Course:
(1) compensation may not be paid to the State Fair Society to offset revenue loss from the discontinuance of racing; and
(2) payment of the grant to Baltimore County under § 11-403 of this title shall end.
[An. Code 1957, art. 78B, §§ 7, 15, 19; 1992, ch. 4, § 2; ch. 503.]