Section 6-604 - General liability and property insurance.

§ 6-604. General liability and property insurance.

(a)  Scope of section.- This section does not apply to a State licensee on inactive status. 

(b)  In general.- A master electrician who is licensed by the State Board and provides electrical services or a person to whom the master electrician assigns a local license under this title shall: 

(1) maintain general liability insurance in the amount of at least $300,000; 

(2) maintain property damage insurance in the amount of at least $100,000; and 

(3) submit proof of the required insurance to the State Board. 

(c)  Requirements on application for license.-  

(1) An applicant for a State license shall submit proof of the insurance required under this section to the State Board with the license application. 

(2) The State Board may not issue a State license to an applicant to whom the insurance requirements of this section would apply unless the applicant submits proof of the insurance. 

(d)  Requirements on renewal of license.- Unless an applicant meets the insurance requirements of this section, the State Board may not renew a State license of the applicant to whom the insurance requirements of this section would apply. 

(e)  Notice to State Board about cancellation.- If the insurance required under this section is canceled, the insurer shall notify the State Board within 10 days after the date of cancellation. 

(f)  Surety bonds.- If a local jurisdiction requires an applicant for a local license to execute a bond to the local jurisdiction, the applicant may satisfy the bond requirement by submitting proof of the insurance required under this section. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 56A, § 2-604; 1989, ch. 3, § 1.]