Section 6-302 - Scope of State license.

§ 6-302. Scope of State license.

(a)  Local licensing jurisdictions.- In a local jurisdiction that requires a local license, the State license, while the State license is in effect, serves only as a mechanism that helps a licensee in obtaining a local license under §§ 6-601 and 6-602 of this title. 

(b)  Jurisdictions without local license.- If a county or municipal corporation does not require a local license, the State license, while the State license is in effect, authorizes the licensee to: 

(1) provide electrical services as a master electrician; or 

(2) be the representative of another person who engages in the business of providing electrical services. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 56A, § 2-302; 1989, ch. 3, § 1; ch. 493.]