Subtitle 2 - Maryland Commercial Fertilizer Law
- Section 6-201 - Definitions.
- Section 6-202 - Administration.
- Section 6-203 - Enforcement; rules and regulations.
- Section 6-204 - Fund for payment of administration expenses.
- Section 6-205 - Publication of information concerning fertilizers and soil conditioners.
- Section 6-206 - Inspection, sampling, testing, and analyses of commercial fertilizer.
- Section 6-207 - Registration.
- Section 6-208 - Registration and inspection fees.
- Section 6-209 - Semiannual statement of tonnage sold; report of sales to nonregistrant.
- Section 6-209.1 - Records of sale or distribution of ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
- Section 6-210 - Labeling.
- Section 6-210.1 - Commercial fertilizer - Required signage at retail outlets.
- Section 6-211 - Distribution of adulterated or misbranded fertilizer or soil conditioner.
- Section 6-212 - Short weight.
- Section 6-213 - Change in plant nutrient content.
- Section 6-214 - Disposition of fertilizer or soil conditioner found in violation of subtitle.
- Section 6-215 - Official analysis prima facie evidence of composition.
- Section 6-216 - Report of violations for criminal prosecution; minor violations.
- Section 6-217 - Injunctions.
- Section 6-218 - Refusal or cancellation of registration.
- Section 6-219 - Deficiencies or excesses in plant nutrients.
- Section 6-220 - Short title.
- Section 6-221 - Regulations regarding product standards.
- Section 6-222 - Low phosphorous fertilizer.