8 §1036. Allocation of funds


Chapter 31: GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD HEADING: PL 2003, C. 687, PT. A, §5 (NEW); PT. B, §11 (AFF)


§1036. Allocation of funds

1. Distribution for administrative expenses of board. A slot machine operator shall collect and distribute 1% of gross slot machine income to the Treasurer of State for deposit in the General Fund for the administrative expenses of the board.

[ 2005, c. 663, §11 (AMD) .]

2. Distribution from commercial track. A slot machine operator shall collect and distribute 39% of the net slot machine income from slot machines operated by the slot machine operator to the board for distribution by the board as follows:

A. Three percent of the net slot machine income must be deposited to the General Fund for administrative expenses of the board in accordance with rules adopted by the board, except that of the amount calculated pursuant to this paragraph, the following amounts must be transferred annually to the Gambling Addiction Prevention and Treatment Fund established by Title 5, section 20006‐B:

(1) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, $50,000;

(2) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012, $50,000; and

(3) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and for each fiscal year thereafter, $100,000; [2009, c. 622, §2 (AMD).]

B. Ten percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the Treasurer of State, who shall credit the money to the fund established in section 298 to supplement harness racing purses; [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

C. Three percent of the net slot machine income must be credited by the board to the Sire Stakes Fund created in section 281; [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

D. Three percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the Treasurer of State, who shall credit the money to the Agricultural Fair Support Fund established in Title 7, section 91; [2007, c. 466, Pt. A, §29 (RPR).]

E. Ten percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the State Controller to be credited to the Fund for a Healthy Maine established by Title 22, section 1511 and segregated into a separate account under Title 22, section 1511, subsection 11, with the use of funds in the account restricted to the purposes described in Title 22, section 1511, subsection 6, paragraph E. For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2010, June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2012, the amount credited annually by the State Controller to the Fund for a Healthy Maine under this paragraph may not exceed $4,500,000 annually and any funds in excess of $4,500,000 annually during these fiscal years must be credited as General Fund undedicated revenue; [2009, c. 462, Pt. H, §1 (AMD).]

F. Two percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the University of Maine System Scholarship Fund created in Title 20-A, section 10909; [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

G. One percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the board of trustees of the Maine Community College System to be applied by the board of trustees to fund its scholarships program under Title 20-A, section 12716, subsection 1; [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

H. Four percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the Treasurer of State, who shall credit the money to the Fund to Encourage Racing at Maine's Commercial Tracks, established in section 299; however, the payment required by this paragraph is terminated when all commercial tracks have obtained a license to operate slot machines in accordance with this chapter; [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

I. Two percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded by the board to the Treasurer of State, who shall credit the money to the Fund to Stabilize Off-track Betting Facilities established by section 300, as long as a facility has conducted off-track wagering operations for a minimum of 250 days during the preceding 12-month period in which the first payment to the fund is required. After 48 months of receiving an allocation of the net slot machine income from a licensed operator, the percent of net slot machine income forwarded to the Fund to Stabilize Off-track Betting Facilities is reduced to 1% with the remaining 1% to be forwarded to the State in accordance with subsection 1; and [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

J. One percent of the net slot machine income must be forwarded directly to the municipality in which the slot machines are located. [2005, c. 663, §12 (AMD).]

[ 2009, c. 462, Pt. H, §1 (AMD); 2009, c. 622, §2 (AMD) .]

3. Failure to deposit funds. A slot machine operator who knowingly or intentionally fails to comply with this section commits a Class C crime. In addition to any other sanction available by law, the license of that person may be revoked by the board and the slot machines operated by that slot machine operator may be disabled, and the slot machines, slot machines' proceeds and associated equipment may be confiscated by the board and are subject to forfeiture under Title 17-A, section 959 or 960.

[ 2003, c. 687, Pt. A, §5 (NEW); 2003, c. 687, Pt. B, §11 (AFF) .]

4. Late payments. The board may adopt rules establishing the dates on which payments required by this section are due. All payments not remitted when due must be paid together with interest on the unpaid balance at a rate of 1.5% per month.

[ 2003, c. 687, Pt. A, §5 (NEW); 2003, c. 687, Pt. B, §11 (AFF) .]

5. Annual report on use of funds. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, Harness Racing Commission, the University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System shall provide an annual report that includes a detailed explanation of how the funds received under subsection 2, paragraph B, C, D, F, G, H or I achieved specific objectives. The report must include detailed historical allocation and expenditure information beginning with fiscal year 2005-06. The reports must be submitted to the joint standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over legal and veterans affairs and appropriations and financial affairs no later than September 15th of each year.

[ 2009, c. 571, Pt. FFF, §1 (NEW) .]


2003, c. 687, §A5 (NEW). 2003, c. 687, §B11 (AFF). 2005, c. 109, §1 (AMD). 2005, c. 563, §10 (AMD). 2005, c. 663, §§11,12 (AMD). 2007, c. 466, Pt. A, §29 (AMD). 2009, c. 462, Pt. H, §1 (AMD). 2009, c. 571, Pt. FFF, §1 (AMD). 2009, c. 622, §2 (AMD).