32 §9902. Definitions
Chapter 104: DIETITIANS HEADING: PL 1987, C. 402, PT. A, §171 (RPR)
§9902. Definitions
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [1985, c. 389, §28 (NEW).]
1. Board. "Board" means the Board of Licensing of Dietetic Practice established under this chapter.
[ 1987, c. 313, §2 (AMD) .]
2. Commissioner. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation.
[ 1985, c. 389, §28 (NEW) .]
3. Department. "Department" means the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation.
[ 1985, c. 389, §28 (NEW) .]
4. Dietetics. "Dietetics" means the professional discipline of assessing the nutritional needs of an individual, including recognition of the effects of the individual's physical condition and economic circumstances, and the applying of scientific principles of nutrition to prescribing means to ensure the individual's proper nourishment and care.
[ 1985, c. 389, §28 (NEW) .]
5. Licensed dietetic technician. "Licensed dietetic technician" means a person licensed under this chapter who practices dietetics under the supervision of a dietitian who is licensed in accordance with this chapter.
[ 1995, c. 402, Pt. A, §27 (AMD) .]
6. Licensed dietitian. "Licensed dietitian" means a person who practices dietetics and who is licensed as a dietitian under this chapter.
[ 1987, c. 313, §2 (AMD) .]
1985, c. 389, §28 (NEW). 1987, c. 313, §2 (AMD). 1995, c. 402, §A27 (AMD).