19 §753. Court authority to approve alternative dispute resolution processes (REPEALED)
Title 19: DOMESTIC RELATIONS HEADING: REPEALED 10/1/97 BY PL 1995, C. 694, PT. B, §1 (RP); PT. E, §2 (AFF)
Chapter 13: DIVORCE AND ANNULMENT HEADING: REPEALED ON 10/1/97 BY PL 1995, C. 694, PT. B, §1 (RP); PT. E, §2 (AFF)
Subchapter 2: DIVORCE HEADING: REPEALED ON 10/1/97 BY PL 1995, C. 694, PT. B, §1 (RP); PT. E, §2 (AFF)
Article 4: CUSTODY AND SUPPORT OF CHILDREN HEADING: REPEALED ON 10/1/97 BY PL 1995, C. 694, PT. B, §1 (RP); PT. E, §2 (AFF)
§753. Court authority to approve alternative dispute resolution processes
1995, c. 484, §1 (NEW). 1995, c. 694, §B1 (RP). 1995, c. 694, §E2 (AFF).