- 13 §2861. Meeting to form parish
- 13 §2861-A. Bylaws; disposal of assets
- 13 §2862. Organization; name
- 13 §2863. Property and bylaws
- 13 §2864. Insurance; losses
- 13 §2865. Admission to parish
- 13 §2866. Persons deemed members; dissolution
- 13 §2867. No compulsion; withdrawals
- 13 §2901. Call and notice; clerk
- 13 §2902. Moderator
- 13 §2903. Request of members for meeting
- 13 §2904. Refusal of assessors
- 13 §2905. No meeting for 3 years
- 13 §2906. Qualification of voters
- 13 §2941. Authority to raise money
- 13 §2942. Assessment on pews
- 13 §2943. Payment of tax by sale of pews
- 13 §2944. Notice of nonoccupancy by pew owner; rights
- 13 §2981. Territorial parishes continued (REPEALED)
- 13 §2982. Officers as corporations; organization and powers
- 13 §2983. Ministers and officers of religious societies; powers
- 13 §2984. Conveyance of land
- 13 §2985. Records open to inspection
- 13 §2986. Trustees of Society of Friends to hold grants as corporations
- 13 §3021. Incorporation
- 13 §3022. Notice of meeting
- 13 §3023. Qualification of voters; organization
- 13 §3024. Election of officers
- 13 §3025. Filing of certificate; change of name; filing duty of the Secretary of State
- 13 §3026. Duties of officers; notice of meetings
- 13 §3027. Church supporters may participate
- 13 §3028. Conveyance of trust property to church
- 13 §3029. Parish may convey property to church
- 13 §3061. Sale of property wasting for lack of custody
- 13 §3062. Transfer of certain trust funds (REPEALED)
- 13 §3101. Parish may become owner of pews; proceedings
- 13 §3102. Dissenting pew owners; proceedings
- 13 §3103. Incorporation
- 13 §3104. Repairs; disposal; notice of meeting
- 13 §3105. Conduct of alteration or sale
- 13 §3106. Dissenting proprietors; value of interest; limitation and forfeiture
- 13 §3107. Owners may incorporate
- 13 §3108. -- proceedings
- 13 §3109. Corporate rights and powers
- 13 §3110. Meetings of owners
- 13 §3111. Different denomination; division of time
- 13 §3112. Mode of proceeding
- 13 §3113. Proportion of minority appraised
- 13 §3114. Expenses
- 13 §3115. Minority may occupy their share of time unless majority purchases
- 13 §3161. Fee in ministerial and school land in existing towns
- 13 §3162. Trustees
- 13 §3163. Officers
- 13 §3164. Powers (REPEALED)
- 13 §3165. Investment of funds
- 13 §3166. Trustees may hold for use of ministry and schools
- 13 §3167. Income to support schools
- 13 §3167-A. Expenditure of ministerial funds
- 13 §3168. Transfer of funds by trustees
- 13 §3169. Administration of ministerial and school funds
- 13 §3170. Annual accounting
- 13 §3171. Trustees of parish lands
- 13 §3172. First meeting of trustees