12 §1893-C. ATV Trail Advisory Council established



Chapter 220: BUREAU OF PARKS AND LANDS HEADING: PL 1997, C. 678, §13 (NEW)


§1893-C. ATV Trail Advisory Council established

1. Appointment and composition. The ATV Trail Advisory Council, referred to in this section as "the advisory council" and established by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 3-C, consists of 11 members. The director or the director's designee serves as an ex officio member and may vote only to break a tie. The other 10 members are appointed by the commissioner as follows:

A. Three members who represent local ATV clubs from different regions of the State that are ATV Recreational Management Fund grantees. One of these members must belong to both an ATV club and a snowmobile club; [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

B. One member who represents municipal ATV Recreational Management Fund grantees; [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

C. One member who represents a statewide organization with an interest in operating ATVs; [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

D. One member who represents ATV and snowmobile business interests; [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

E. One member who represents large landowner interests with land holdings of more than 250,000 acres; [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

F. One member who represents a statewide environmental group; [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

G. One member who represents a statewide farming organization; and [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

H. One member who represents woodlot owners' interests. [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

2. Terms. Members of the advisory council serve for 3 years, except that initially the members appointed under subsection 1, paragraphs A, B, C and D shall draw lots for 2-year or 3-year terms. Members continue serving until a successor is duly appointed and qualified. A member may not serve more than 2 consecutive 3-year terms. When a vacancy occurs, the commissioner shall fill the vacancy by appointing a member from the same category as the member who vacated the advisory council and that member continues to serve for the remainder of the term. An employee of the department may not serve as a member of the advisory council prior to the expiration of one year from the employee's last day of employment with the department. A Legislator may not serve as a member of the advisory council.

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

3. Compensation. Advisory council members are entitled to reasonable expenses as provided in Title 5, chapter 379, as approved by the director.

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

4. Duties. The advisory council shall provide to the director advice and information on the management of the ATV Recreational Management Fund, including, but not limited to:

A. The annual establishment of reimbursement rates for ATV club trail grants, municipal ATV trail grants and capital equipment grants; and [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

B. Expenditures that are over $30,000 for ATV activities pursuant to section 1893 and are not part of the regular grant program. [2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).]

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

5. Chair; vice-chair. The advisory council shall, during its initial meeting, elect one of its appointed members as chair and one of its appointed members as vice-chair for one-year terms.

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

6. Meetings. The advisory council shall hold meetings in April and September. The advisory council may also meet at other times at the call of the chair or the director or the director's designee.

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

7. Public meetings; public comment. All meetings of the advisory council are open to the public and must be held in a location that is convenient for public access. Public comment must be accepted at meetings of the advisory council. Comments may be restricted to subjects before the advisory council at the meeting and consistent with any applicable requirements and limitations of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]

8. Public notice. Public notice of all advisory council meetings must be in accordance with Title 1, section 406.

[ 2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW) .]


2005, c. 186, §2 (NEW).